Sunday 20 March 2016

Pepper Chicken

Pepper Chicken

“This is an easy recipe which was given to us by Naomi; who was my mum’s friend and colleague. My mum had been making it for years and I have made it several times. My children just love this recipe”.

6 chicken thighs and 6 drumsticks, skinless
2 medium sized red onions sliced
1 green chili, slit lengthwise
2 tbsp coarsely ground black pepper
3-4 flakes garlic, crushed with a garlic crusher
2” piece ginger, grated or finely chopped
2 tbsp oil
salt to taste


Wash chicken and pat dry. Put the chicken pieces in a deep dish. Add ginger, garlic, green chili and salt to taste. Spread the sliced onions over the chicken and mix well. Cover the dish and keep it on a very low flame to cook. The chicken will begin to release its juices. Give it a good stir after 10 minutes. The onions and ginger garlic will begin to disintegrate and the chicken will cook in its own juices. Keep checking and give a quick stir every few minutes till the chicken is almost done and the juices have dried up. At this stage quickly add the oil and black pepper and sauté for 5 minutes. Check seasoning. Serve with some pilaf or as a side dish to any meal.


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