Friday 11 March 2016

Nankaties (Semolina Cookies)

Nankaties (Semolina Cookies)

200 gms sugar (ground fine)
200 gms ghee (clarified butter) – I prefer Lurpak Ghee
200 gms all purpose flour (I prefer Gold Medal flour)
50 gms fine semolina


Sieve flour and keep aside. In a heavy bottomed pan heat ghee. Keep aside to cool. When at room temperature mix sugar. Add flour a little at a time. Finally mix semolina and knead well. Divide the dough into 30 portions. Press each dough in the palms of your hand to form a ball and flatten. Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Make a crisscross design on each cookie. Bake for 20 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 180 deg C.


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